Pastor Ashish G

Pastor at Abraham Missionary Church, Kathmandu, Nepal. We are all the children of God, I am one of them and follower of Christ; serving Church and have ministry among Children. Worshiping God through music also. Blog is all about:- Encouraging and motivational sermon and articles which shows the way,the truth and the life-Jesus Christ.All about God to Glorify Him. Inspiring to walk on the right path of God. Full love,faith and hope.Shine like the children of light.


Monday, August 13, 2018

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                               Why we are in this world?

We human beings come and go in this world. We are the wisest and the mightier than any other beings in this world. We know that God created us in this world. 

          But, some of the questions that we may have been asking ourselves. Why I am here in this world? Here, the world is full of selfishness, full of pain, full of darkness. We feel suffocated or choked to live life. Then, God sent us here, to make us feel pain, why God doesn’t take us heaven directly, if He loves us? Is He playing games with me? Or God wants me to suffer here with great trials. Why He sent me here in this world?

           Living in the imaginary world and having lots of will, wish and dreams. Working hard, diligently, perspiring whole life for my family; working for my children, earning money, collecting property for those whom I will left them behind, I work and I earn money. And while I die,  I can’t take anything with me, then what is  the value of everything, I did and I will do?

           Only Bible gives us our answer; it comforts us and helps us to live our life thinking life as a precious and valuable. The value of life and the meaning of life, is explained in God’s word.

           In our bible, there is a man named Solomon, the son of King David. He got everything. He was wisest person, he was a wealthiest person, and he enjoyed his life. Everything that one human desires and wants he had it. But at last, he found everything is in this world is vanity, except GOD. The most important thing in life is to “fear God and keep His commandments” (eccl.12:13). To fear God and to live life for God is only the value of living.

         There are many verses, parables, story and many motivational words that teaches us about the value of our life in our Bible. So, bible gives us all our answers in this complicated world. But, here we all are going to see and learn from the verse Matthew 22:37 and psalm 150.
Like in psalm 150, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord.”
We human are created by our creator God to praise Him in everything we do. Every creature in this world must praise their almighty, creator God. This is the main responsibilities of human beings.

As in Matthew 22:37, the most important commandments that all the followers of Jesus Christ must do is “to love God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind.” So, understand that we must praise Him in everything and we must love our God with all our heart, soul and with all our mind.

           The reason we are in this world is to praise God in everything we do, in everything we get, and to love our God who created us in His own image. And love Him with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind. This makes our God happy with us as a reason fulfilled why He created us and bring us here in this world.

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