There are
many people who became popular because of knowledge. But do you think knowledge
is enough? It may be enough for worldly people but not for enlightened people.
Now, the enlightened people are the children of light; those who follows Jesus
Christ. Because Jesus is the light of the world. Enlightened are the one who
obeyed God.
In the book
of Matthew 7:24, “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them,
I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
Many people
get knowledge through their experience from life. And somehow many people
learned lessons and get knowledge from their mistakes also.
But the
reading bible is only the starting point to gain knowledge, when you read bible
you begin to get knowledge. Only reading the word of God is never enough for
the followers of Christ. Those who feel proud for being a reader it’s a good
thing but there is the things you need to do.
My mom told
me about one non-believer who is a priest of another religion, who is from my
town where I live. He read bible everyday mostly the book of proverbs to gain
knowledge. And most important thing is even many Christian do not read bible every
That priest
although he is not Christian, he read bible because he knows that reading bible
can help him to become knowledgeable. But that reading only is not enough for
that priest to understand the true things from the bible. And remember one
thing, “when we read bible, we are listening the word of God so, we should
listen carefully what word of God is saying.” (Proverbs 4:20-22, “My son, pay
attention to my words, and listen closely to what I say.
Do not let
them out of your sight; keep them within your heart.
For they are
life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.”)
So, reading is not only enough for Christians.
We should listen to God what He is saying and then another thing is to
understand the word of God is really very necessary.
There are
many ways in this world to get knowledge but for believers it is the word of
God. And to understand it is not easy thing. Even believers could not understand
the knowledge that only from reading. To read may be easy but to understand is
And if we
can’t understand the right knowledge while reading then it might be dangerous
thing for us. So, we must be alert on reading, listening and understanding.
instance, at my friend’s house I met one women who was a believer. My friend
introduced me with her as a pastor. And knowing me as a pastor, she begins to
asked question about different matters related to Christianity and debate. She
also told me that she went to Israel and stayed there for some months and read
bible and she completed reading whole bible.
It was very
hard for me to make her understand the right point about her question. The
question was, where did Jesus died? I humbly answered her, at “Calvary”. She
said, I was wrong. I was shocked and told her any reason for my answer to be
wrong. She told me to show the word “Calvary” in bible. I couldn’t show her
that word because there is no word “Calvary” in Nepali bible and it is not Nepali
language. I tried a lot to make her understand the right point but she was not
ready to listen me and was disagree with me because she was a bit kind of
stubborn too.
She was
saying that you and all pastors of Nepal are wrong, Jesus died in “khappare”
not in “Calvary”. I told her do not argue on this thing because you may be
doing sin unintentionally by blaming all the pastors of Nepal. so, be careful. At
last, I told her, you are also not wrong and I am also not wrong only thing is
you are not understanding it. And she was not listening to me, my friend was
also disagree with her so, we both just leave her. (Titus3:9, 10, 11 – “But
avoid foolish controversies, arguments about genealogies, quarrels, and fights
about the law. These things are useless and worthless.
nothing to do with a divisive person after you have warned him once or twice.
“For you
know that a person like this is corrupt and keeps on sinning, being
Only the
reason was, she did not understand the right point because both of us was right
and she was blaming all pastors of Nepal.
In Nepal,
instead of Nepali word for “the skull”; we used the word Latin “Calvary”. It is
the common word that every Nepali Christian use for “the skull.” And that woman
read only Nepali bible. And she read all whole Nepali bible only. She doesn’t
have knowledge and understanding that the Nepali word “khappare”; English word
“the skull”; Hebrew “Golgotha”; Latin “Calvary”
are the same word but the language is different.
sometimes we should need to listen others also to understand the right point
without hardening our heart. And most important is the power from High to
understand the knowledge in right way.
Now, Main
work to do
When we get
knowledge, then we need to understand in the right way. And after understanding
we will be a discerning person but this is also not enough because unless and
until you apply all your knowledge and understanding into your life then it is
not valuable. When we put all our knowledge and understanding then that it
become wisdom. And we are wise person. We need to apply it in our life and pass
it to others. When we apply that knowledge by understanding that is wisdom.
Those who got wisdom are called as wise.
9:10, “The fear of the LORD is where wisdom begins, and knowing holiness
demonstrates understanding.” When we fear the God that means we know knowledge
about right and wrong and also its consequences. And that to obey means we put
that knowledge by understanding and wisdom is happened. Therefore, the
spirit-filled Christian is one who is wise and intensely practical.
In the book
of Matthew 7:24, “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them,
I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
So, built
your house on the rock and become wise by hearing the word of God and obeying
it. Enlightened are the one who obeyed God.